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rocking horse artinya

contoh kalimat "rocking horse"
  • You just rode him like a little toy rocking horse.
    Kau hanya menungganginya seperti mainan kuda-kudaan.
  • These things are rare as rocking horse shit.
    Hal ini jarang terjadi seperti menggoyang kuda misalnya.
  • Back in Portland, my daughter has a rocking horse.
    Sewaktu masih di Portland, putriku punya kuda goyang.
  • Where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies
    Goyang-KUDA MANA ORANG? ? EAT Marshmallow pai?
  • I'd rather put my money on a three-legged rocking horse.
    Aku lebih baik memberikan uangku pada kuda berkaki tiga.
  • It's a rocking horse I had when I was a child.
    Itu adalah kuda mainanku saat aku masih kecil.
  • Oh, my daughter has a rocking horse.
    Putriku memiliki sebuah kuda goyang.
  • 2015 Best Selling High Qulity Rocking Horse (A-21610)
    2015 Terbaik Jual tinggi Rocking Horse (A-21610)
  • - rocking horse, balls, skittles, sports complexes;
    - kuda goyang, bola, skittle, kompleks olahraga;
  • New PP Plastic Rocking Horse Baby Walker
    PP Plastik baru Goyang Kuda Baby Walker
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4
    Kata benda
  • a child''s plaything consisting of an imitation horse mounted on rockers; the child straddles it and pretends to ride
    Sinonim: hobby, hobbyhorse,